Grid-Scale Energy Storage, July 29-30 2020, Orlando FL

Cambridge EnerTech’s

Grid-Scale Energy Storage

Engineering Battery Utility into the Grid


The electrical distribution grid is a complex network. With demands for electrical power continually rising, utilities and project developers are focusing on how to stabilize intermittent electrical energy production and demand. The combination of high-energy density and low costs found in advanced battery design can potentially provide storage services to the grid, utilities and downstream customers by improving power quality, conversion, capacity and reliability.

Wednesday, March 10


Lynn Trahey, PhD, Research Integration Officer & Research Scientist, Joint Center for Energy Storage Research, Argonne National Lab

The Joint Center for Energy Storage Research (JCESR) is a battery research hub funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. Our goal is to build foundational knowledge that enables us to build tailored batteries for diverse application needs. With understanding rooted in techno-economic modeling, this presentation will highlight the batteries we rely on today and the improvements we need for transformative grid energy storage.

1:50 pm

Energy Storage for Grid Reliability

Vivian Sultan, PhD, Adjunct Faculty, College of Business and Economics, California State University, Los Angeles

Grid reliability is the greatest concern resulting from the current challenges facing electric utilities. The argument is that battery storage will play a significant role in improving the operating capabilities of the grid, lowering cost and ensuring high reliability, as well as deferring and reducing infrastructure investments. Utility-scale storage can be instrumental for emergency preparedness because of its ability to provide backup power, as well as grid stabilization services.

2:10 pm

Battery Durability and Reliability under Electric Utility Grid Operations: 20-Year Forecast under Different Grid Applications

Matthieu Dubarry, PhD, Assistant Researcher, Battery Testing & Evaluation & Modeling, University of Hawaii

Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESSs) show promise to help renewable energy sources integration onto the grid. These systems are expected to last for a decade or more, but the actual battery degradation under different real-world conditions is still largely unknown. In this work we analyzed different types of usage for batteries similar to the ones in deployed 1MW and 2MW BESS in the Hawaiian archipelago.

2:30 pm Session Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall


2:50 pm

Evolution of Battery Technology and Manufacturing at Panasonic

Shoichiro Watanabe, PhD, Head of Energy Technology and Manufacturing, Panasonic

Panasonic has been a leading company of battery technology, manufacturing and business. Recently we are focusing on cylindrical lithium-ion battery with best-in-class energy density and performance. To contribute further expansion of vehicle electrification, industrial use, ESS and future e-mobility, we will continue evolution of our battery from all of technical, economical and ecological point of view. This presentation will show our battery history and future direction.

3:15 pm

Revolutionizing The Battery Charging Technologies

Rachid Yazami, PhD, Founding Director, KVI PTE, Ltd. Singapore

Lithium-ion batteries (LIB) are widely used in mobile electronics systems and are expected to play an increasing role in the transportation evolution from current internal combustion vehicles (ICV) to electric vehicles (EV). In this presentation we will cover the most commonly used charging protocols and introduce the NLV through laboratory tests results performed on LIB of different form factors designed for a wide variety of applications.     



Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Brian Barnett, PhD, President, Battery Perspectives
Shoichiro Watanabe, PhD, Head of Energy Technology and Manufacturing, Panasonic
Gokhan Demirci, PhD, CTO, KVI PTE, Ltd. (on behalf of Dr. Yazami)
4:25 pm Session Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall


4:50 pm

Environmental Impact Assessment of Materials used in Flow Batteries

Haoyang He, PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar, Materials Science & Engineering, University of California Irvine

With increasing mandates requiring the expansion of renewable energy on the grid, such as wind and solar, in an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, there is an increasing need to manufacture and install energy storage systems, or batteries. This presentation will focus on a lifecycle assessment-based evaluation of the potential for environmental and human health impact due to the manufacturing and production of various flow battery technologies.   

5:10 pm

The Renaissance of Zinc Anode Batteries: A New Hope for Grid-Scale Energy Storage

Gautam G. Yadav, PhD, Director, Advanced Battery Development, Urban Electric Power

Zinc and manganese dioxide are key components of primary alkaline batteries which have dominated the market for decades. They have been demonstrated as promising  energy storage materials due to the high energy-density, low cost, and outstanding safety characteristics. Transforming this non-rechargeable technology into a rechargeable system would enable it as a revolutionary low-cost solution for grid-scale energy storage. In this presentation,the development and commercialization of these systems will be presented 

5:30 pm Sponsored Presentation (Opportunity Available)
6:10 pm MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Vivian Sultan, PhD, Adjunct Faculty, College of Business and Economics, California State University, Los Angeles
Matthieu Dubarry, PhD, Assistant Researcher, Battery Testing & Evaluation & Modeling, University of Hawaii
Haoyang He, PhD, Postdoctoral Scholar, Materials Science & Engineering, University of California Irvine
Lynn Trahey, PhD, Research Integration Officer & Research Scientist, Joint Center for Energy Storage Research, Argonne National Lab
Gautam G. Yadav, PhD, Director, Advanced Battery Development, Urban Electric Power
6:35 pm Florida Battery Seminar Connects - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
7:05 pm Close of Day

Thursday, March 11

10:00 am Session Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall


10:20 am

Maximizing Revenue from Energy Storage Plus Solar in CAISO  

Raymond H. Byrne, Distinguished Member of Tech Staff, Data Analysis & Exploitation, Sandia National Labs

Energy storage is capable of providing a number of grid benefits. This presentation focuses on the value of energy storage in CAISO when paired with solar considering the day ahead and HASP energy markets. An analysis was performed using historical solar irradiance data and historical market prices for a notional 1 MW, 4 MWh storage system combined with a 1 MW PV system considering 2200 potential locations in CAISO.

10:40 am

Development of a Novel Framework for Assessment of Utility-scale Energy Storage Systems

Md Mustafizur Rahman, PhD Candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta

The decision to use a certain type of energy storage system for a stationary application depends largely on its economic performance. In this presentation, I will talk about the development of data-intensive bottom-up techno-economic models for large-scale energy storage system for various stationary applications. Different performance indicators, such as total investment cost, levelized cost of storage, and scale factor were developed for a wide rage of capacities. 

11:00 am

Profitability of Utility Scale Battery Storage in a Post-Pandemic Era

Holger Hesse, PhD, Assistant Head, Institute for Electrical Energy Storage Technology (EES), Technical University of Munich (TUM)

In this contribution we will take a closer look at battery usage in emerging fields of application such as energy arbitrage marketing, grid support on transmission and distribution level (e.g., “Grid Booster”, “Battery Assisted Fast Charging Stations”) as well as at serving combined use cases (“multi-use”). 

11:40 am MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Raymond H. Byrne, Distinguished Member of Tech Staff, Data Analysis & Exploitation, Sandia National Labs
Holger Hesse, PhD, Assistant Head, Institute for Electrical Energy Storage Technology (EES), Technical University of Munich (TUM)
Md Mustafizur Rahman, PhD Candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta
12:05 pm Session Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall
12:25 pm Interactive Roundtable Discussions

The roundtables are informal, moderated discussions with brainstorming and interactive problem solving, allowing participants from diverse backgrounds to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic. Each topic is led by a moderator who ensures focused conversation around the key issues of that topic. Attendees choose to join a specific group.

ROUNDTABLE 1: Li-ion Battery Raw Materials, Market Trends and Supply Chain Action

Joe Williams, Marketing Manager, Syrah Global DMCC
  • LFP surge, pros/cons and implications to raw materials
  • Graphite, supply-chain, production, diversification & risks
  • Nickel, importance of Indonesian Ni units to meet demand.
  • Cobalt-free high voltage cathodes, where are we with those?
  • Lithium, is the spice flowing yet? Spodumene market trends.
  • Upstream CO2 reduction, efforts toward ‘greener’ mining 

ROUNDTABLE 2: Silicon Anodes and Cells

Benjamin Park, PhD, Founder & CTO, Enevate Corp.
  • What is the maturity level of Si today for use in EVs?
  • What different approaches are there with Si?
  • What are the challenges and how can the industry work together to solve them?
  • How does Si compare with other next-gen technologies such as solid-state/lithium metal?

ROUNDTABLE 3: Li-Ion NMC Fast Charging New Cells for E-Mobility

Shmuel De-Leon, CEO, Shmuel De-Leon Energy Ltd.
  • The needs for fast charging for E-Mobility
  • Current solution in the market
  • New Fast Charging LI-ION NMC cells under development
Guoliang Zhang, Senior Software Manager, Advanced Technology, TWS Technology
  • Emerging Wireless BMS Solutions: Topology and Applications
  • Wireless BMS Challenges and Possible Solutions: Security, Reliability, Power Consumption
  • Wireless BMS Computation: Distributed vs. Centralized
1:10 pm Session Break - View Our Virtual Exhibit Hall


1:30 pm

Unlocking Extra Value from Grid Batteries Using Advanced Models

Volkan Kumtepeli, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford

Lithium-ion batteries are steadily becoming a more prominent member of the modern power systems. However, they still comprise a significant cost factor despite their rapidly declining prices and improving capabilities. This talk discusses the impact of utilising more advanced, physics-based degradation models, in the context of energy trading optimisation to reduce operational cost.

1:50 pm

Predictive Maintenance Practices for Operational Safety of Battery Energy Storage Systems  

Yuliya Preger, PhD, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Energy Storage Technology & Systems, Sandia National Labs

System integrators, utilities, and regulatory agencies have put considerable effort into developing safety standards and recommended designs for battery energy storage systems (BESSs). However, current guidelines emphasize factory testing, commissioning, and emergency response rather than guidance for operation and maintenance. This presentation describes how the energy storage industry can shift to a predictive-monitoring and maintenance process as the next step in improving BESS operations and safety.


2:10 pm

Enabling Sustainable Critical Materials for Battery Storage through Efficient Recycling and Improved Design 

Zheng Chen, PhD, Assistant Professor, NanoEngineering, University of California San Diego

This talk will introduce a potential strategy to directly recycle and regenerate spent lithium-ion battery for grid applications using a “non-destructive” approach, which will lead to new electrode materials that can show the same level of performance as the native materials. Such a strategy combines fundamental understanding and process optimization for remanufacturing of energy materials. Therefore, it can potentially offer a sustainable solution for future energy storage.

2:30 pm

Evaluating the Cost and Carbon Footprint of Second-Life Electric Vehicle Batteries in Residential and Utility-Level Applications

Dipti Kamath, PhD, Incoming Postdoctoral Researcher, Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Research & Analysis Group, Oak Ridge National Lab

End-of-life automotive batteries could be repurposed as second-life batteries (SLBs) since their 70-80% residual capacity can be adequate for stationary applications. However, it is unknown whether SLBs will be better than new batteries and whether SLBs will reduce stationary applications’ cost and carbon emissions. This talk presents the levelized cost of electricity and life-cycle carbon emissions of using SLBs and new LIBs in the US for residential and utility-level applications.

3:10 pm MODERATED Q&A:

Session Wrap-Up

Panel Moderator:
Yuliya Preger, PhD, Senior Member of Technical Staff, Energy Storage Technology & Systems, Sandia National Labs
Dipti Kamath, PhD, Incoming Postdoctoral Researcher, Manufacturing Energy Efficiency Research & Analysis Group, Oak Ridge National Lab
Zheng Chen, PhD, Assistant Professor, NanoEngineering, University of California San Diego
Volkan Kumtepeli, PhD, Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford
3:35 pm Close of Conference